Xenosentia Polaris Zeborno Taurum:
     First discovered on the planet Mirsuvis in the Polaris system, the Zeborno were not believed to be a star faring race.  Their cities looked more like large villages populated by a non-technological civilization.  Evidence began to mount that the zebornos were technologically minded when evidence of robot parts were discovered, and the search was on for settlements of theirs on other planets.
     The Zeborno are known to have been very religious, but still separated their government from it.  Though their cathedrals are known for being highly ornate and beautiful, their seats of government typically rested in a structure that resembled a castle.  It will be inside of this building where the Bolic Kirmam, their highest statue of honor, will be found.
     Their seats of power are often guarded by three security systems.  To get in, one must pass all three tests.  The first will relate to life, the second will relate to work, and the third will relate to death.
     Clues of how to get past these security measures can sometimes be located throughout the town that the seat of power is in.  If these clues are found, they should be used to get past the security measures if one wishes to get to the Bolic Kirmam.

     Religion:  It is believed that some holy relics of the Zeborno give clues as to where they traveled in the cosmos.  None have been recovered intact enough to gain the information inside.
     Little is known of the gods they believed in, but they believed in one overpowering evil deity known as Curetar.  It is a being of four horns, two on top, two on bottom, colored a deep purple with a single red stripe that goes over its head.  Anything associated with this being means death.

     Burial:  During the twilight of the Zeborno, many believed that the diseases that were killing them were really curses, and they placed charms around their necks in an attempt to ward off the evil.  These charms often had a poison of their own, and killed the wearers faster.  If one was to take it off of them, handling it with their hands, it killed them even faster.  Many were buried still wearing these medallions in hopes that they would protect them in the afterlife.

     Food:  Zeborno seemed to be homnivors, but were primarily herbivores.  They grew many types of plants with large varieties of exotic fruits and vegetables.  Their methods of planting were incredible, and were able to grow amazing and wild, yet dangerous forests.

      Skill with light:  The Zeborno have an amazing skill at bending light and using it to its advantage.  Using colored glass, the zebornos have discovered methods of bending light in ways that help them in medicine, are used to cut metal, and even to kill.  It is believed they had weapons that bent light in a way as to kill a being with light similar to the way a child might kill an ant using a magnifying glass.

     Similarity to humans:  In terms of types of planets they liked to live on, they seem to be similar to humans.  They breathed the same amount of air and preferred the same level of gravity.  However, their bodies were quite different.  Still bipedal, their knees turned the opposite way from humans.  They appear to have had hooves rather than feet.  Their torsos were wider, arms longer, and their heads cupped out like a bowl with four eyes.  It is widely believed they had stripes, which is why the original scientists who named them gave them the prefix “ze,” like zebra.

     Robots and Statues:  The zebornos appear to have been a race that loved robots and were skillful at the craft of building them.  They preferred to utilize robots in all walks of life, even placing them up as apparent statues that, when activated would operate machinery, open doors, and serve food.  There is no current evidence that they ever created thinking robots.
